Two weeks ago, I finally turned in the keys to our old studio apartment. Keys I should have turned in weeks ago. We had a month’s worth of a lease overlap and so I held on because…well, because. Because I have a tough time letting go. Because I struggle moving...
“Monday morning, indoor group fitness opens back up in NYC!” I saw the news headlines plastered all over my friends’ social media timelines, celebratory emojis abound. Not soon thereafter, the emails started rolling in. As a group fitness instructor...
FEARLESS = FEAR < FAITH (or, “Fearless” is when the fear is less than the faith) was an equation I stood behind long, long before this past year. But March 2020-March 2021 made me realize how vital it truly is to maintaining a sense of self-assuredness WITHOUT...
It all just feels so much more complicated now than it has in the past, doesn’t it? Or maybe it’s always felt this complicated, we’ve just been too distracted to notice… The dictionary definition overwhelm – “to overpower in thought...
Last Saturday I hit a breaking point. Or whatever you want to call those moments these days where it just all feels like too much and not enough simultaneously. A vortex of feeling. A black hole of numbness. No tears though. Vortexes suck up tears and numbness...
About seven months ago, I wrote: Well. We’re not there yet. But it feels like our New Normal is close. Can you feel it too? And hopefully, it will be a New Normal that’s been needed for a good long time. I believe in you. I believe in your heart, your...
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