Forget FOMO: The Joy Of Being Ourselves

Forget FOMO: The Joy Of Being Ourselves

On FOMO, Threads, and the de-prioritization of Missing Out. In case you missed it, this week Meta announced its Instagram offshoot (or sibling app, if you will) called Threads: a “we’re-not-here-to-compete-with-Twitter” minimalist, words-forward app vaguely...
It’s A WIN Or It’s A…What?

It’s A WIN Or It’s A…What?

…or did you? I love a good deadline. It’s odd, really, that someone like me who’s prone to anxiety is so relieved by the existence of concrete endpoints. Especially if they were created by someone else. Unmovable, unchangeable dates could very well...
Chasing “Special.”

Chasing “Special.”

Here’s a new one for ya. Something people don’t tell you about when the things you once dreamed of start happening. Something they maybe don’t tell you because maybe some people don’t think like this — but I do, so I’ll tell you: When you get the things you once...