How To Be Fearless. (plus…we’re on CNN!)
FEARLESS = FEAR < FAITH (or, “Fearless” is when the fear is less than the faith) was an equation I stood behind long, long before this past year. But March 2020-March 2021 made me realize how vital it truly is to maintaining a sense of self-assuredness WITHOUT...
Feeling Myself: On Touch + Body Image
Jessica Rabbit once famously said, “I’m not bad, I’m just drawn that way.” Self-talk isn’t inherently good or bad, positive or negative – it’s all information. It’s how we view that self-talk that determines if...
Let It Go: The Most Productive Formula For Your New Year’s Resolutions.
Doesn’t it sound sexy to say what you’re “leaving behind” in the new year? To make a list of what you’re going to stop doing in 2020? I know it does. I’ve done that before: written down the things I’m leaving behind, burned them in a fireplace, the whole dramatic...
How To Listen To Your Body.
Q: Katie, how do I listen to my body? A: To listen to your body, you must get INTO your body.Like slipping on the noise-proof earbuds you got last Christmas.From the outside it’s wires and plastic – from the inside, a cacophony. Only you can hear the...