Step-by-step ways to become a more pragmatically positive YOU in every micro moment
Step-by-step ways to become a more pragmatically positive YOU in every micro moment
The Long Game: How To Stay Motivated And Big-Picture Focused
“How can we think really long-term about winning the thing we want to win, especially when it’s beyond our lifetime?” -Chani Nicholas I’ve always been a long-game kind of person. It’s just how my mind works. I’m...
Reach Your Goals: 3 Ways To Strengthen Self-Direction + Set Up For Success
I just got off a call with my therapist — my first session with her since June 2023. My decision to press pause for a few months was less about desire and more about focus. I had such strict deadlines to hit — a...
Try Easier: How To Break The Habit Of Hardness
Growing up, I learned a phrase I could use to serve as a litmus test for the validity of my work: Trying Hard. Whether you were being motivated by a mentor as you set out to achieve your dreams (try hard and you...
Change Is A Marathon, Not A Sprint.
How do you know when to shift what you’re doing, and how you know when to stick it out? I've got some news that's a long time in the making: We’re on SUBSTACK now, baybay! Why the switch? Well, I’d been using my former...
Mistake Resilience: How To Recover From A Case of “I Should Have Known Better”
Do you ever have those things that happen where you’re like, “Ugh, why did I do that?! I should have known better” ?? Like... ...Forgetting to add the salt in the cookies you grew up baking. ...Signing on the wrong...
Here’s How To Help Someone You Love Shift Their Negative Self-Talk
I'll never forget the way my dad looked at me when he said: You have so much to be proud of. I wish you could see it. My heart breaks every time I hear someone I love put themselves down. But I get it. I was once that...
Have You Updated Your OS Lately?
"I think I'm an Apple person. Yep, I've decided it. I'm switching out everything." This was my husband, about a month ago. My PC-using, iPhone-carrying husband, tired of multiple brands and multiple systems, decided...
How To Let Go Of…Whatever It Is You Want To Let Go Of, Really.
(...or, at the very least, how to get started.) Doesn’t it sound sexy and badass to say what you’re STOPPING, QUITTING, or LEAVING BEHIND? I know it does. I’ve done the whole dramatic deal before: written down the...
Giving Selective F***s.
**Heads up: this post about people-pleasing, being defensive, and setting boundaries contains mature language, specifically, f***, a lot. I know we don't censor our language on the WANTcast and WANT site, so you're...
4 Negative Self-Talk Shifts To Try (That You’ll Actually Believe)
"Good vibes only.""Only speak kind words to yourself.""Tell yourself you can do anything." Nope, these don't work for me either. Replacing negative self-talk with positive self-talk might not work for you if the words...
Mental Health Toolkit: How To Balance Self-Care and Community Care.
I just got home from a trip to LA where I got to see my family — parents, brother, sister-in-law, nephew, grandparents, aunts, uncles....some of whom I hadn't seen for over two years (which is very out of the ordinary...
How To Be Fearless. (plus…we’re on CNN!)
FEARLESS = FEAR < FAITH (or, “Fearless” is when the fear is less than the faith) was an equation I stood behind long, long before this past year. But March 2020-March 2021 made me realize how vital it truly is to...