126: Do You Have “Reopening Anxiety?”

You’re not the same as you were one year ago. And you shouldn’t be.  But maybe you’re struggling right now as things start to look eerily similar to how they “Once Were,” and feeling the pressure of needing to replicate the UN-USEFUL parts...
Holding Onto Keys.

Holding Onto Keys.

Two weeks ago, I finally turned in the keys to our old studio apartment. Keys I should have turned in weeks ago. We had a month’s worth of a lease overlap and so I held on because…well, because. Because I have a tough time letting go. Because I struggle moving...

124: My Story

After almost six years and 124 episodes, I realized I’d never done what many people do right at the start of their podcasts…shared my story. But as I’m evolving, WANT is evolving, and the world is evolving, maybe now is actually the perfect time for...