If you only derive joy and purpose from the things you do well — a job, an activity, a relationship — can you really say the joy and purpose is coming from those things? In this episode, we’re talking all about how to determine what you love and why you love it...
“Wellness” is 4.4-trillion-dollar global industry — but in many cases, it’s not actually making us more well. In a society that’s become increasingly distrustful of conventional medicine, how can we decipher what’s fact vs. fiction, steer...
When you’re feeling down about your body, that feeling can take over — and turning it around can be a lot more complicated than just saying positive affirmations about the skin you’re in. How do we move beyond our ideas of what positive body image (and even...
Everyone has a sensitive side, but nearly one in three people have the genes to be more sensitive than others, both physically and emotionally. They tend to be big hearted, creative, and wired to go deep. Yet society tells them to hide the very sensitivity that makes...
We usually equate the phrase “trying hard” to trying, PERIOD. If you didn’t “try hard,” did you even really try at all? In this episode we talk about: Is it possible to try easier, without trying LESS? The habits we work ourselves into around “trying,”...
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