The WANT Women: Angela Leigh On Stepping Up, Showing Up, and Asking For Help
I am stepping up and showing up for myself. -@pureleighangela Share on X Before I go all deep n’ WANTy on you, I just want to take a quick two seconds (okay, 75 seconds) to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the support, the shares, the love notes, and just...
What Do You Stand For: Defining Your Through Line
What is the common theme in everything you love? What is a common goal in everything you do? Those, my friends, are your through line. Finding your through line is the solid base for your WANT journey. Negative talk is simply a filler for uncertainty in purpose...
I WANT: Welcome To Women Against Negative Talk
As I currently type this, I am yet to even make the WANT site public. I’ve gathered a few posts together, I’ve imported some of my favorite content from The Blog Formerly Known As KatieHorwitch.com, I’ve even shown the site to a few close yet...
The WANT Women: My Story.
For most of my life, I’ve had a pretty crap-tastic self image. Self confidence? Loads of it (more on that later). But the way I viewed that confidence – the opinions I formed around it, the things I did to “keep myself in check,” the image of...