A Crash Course In Casual Negativity: The Not-So-Silent (Confidence) Killer
Casual Friday, casual workplace, casual friendship, casual hookups. Casual dating, casual sex. The way we dress to go out to the movies or the mall looks pretty much the same as going to a five-star restaurant. Yoga pants are fancypants. Our smartphones have gotten so...
The WANT Women: Sascha Alexander On Pole Dancing, Boundary Pushing, and Coming Clean
I’ve always been intrigued by pole dancing. Maybe it’s the yogi in me, but I’m in awe of the athleticism and strength it takes to spin, twist, and balance your body around a simple piece of metal. It’s like an extreme sport. But I’m aware...
What’s Food Got To Do, Got To Do With It: Defining Diet On Your Own Terms
Growing up, my elementary school had a pretty extensive hot lunch program. Pizza, deli sandwiches, ravioli, chocolate milk. Delicious, yes, and every savory-toothed kid’s dream. Most days, my friends and I would bring our own lunches, which would all follow the...
Playing To Win: On Peaks, Valleys + Your Fullest Potential
The loudest moments in life are usually followed by some sort of silence – and vice versa. Cheers and praise followed by crickets. Thoughtful moments followed by battle cries. It’s the quiet hum of the city right before it comes to life, the bustle of the...