UNLIKE MOST KIDS, I don’t remember EVER dreading the first day of school. I might have had a mini panic attack before starting my senior year of high school (first and lasts always get me), but even those years when I switched schools and had to find all new friends,...
A couple weeks back, I got an email from the Community Manager at The Fullest, an online magazine I adore that’s dedicated to contemporary culture. It was short, sweet, and to the point: We’ve got a book club series we do in LA and NYC. Would you want to...
I will never forget the person who changed my relationship with money. No, not a parent. No, not a boss. It was my first… …tax guy. My friend Roy referred me to Wardie back when I was twenty-something, broke-ish, and realized that if I ever wanted to truly...
I’m what’s considered an Older Millennial, which means I’m a part of the age group that both grew up with the internet and vividly remembers a time without it. I still remember the ancient dial-up chords of the Prodigy and America Online-era World...
Last year, I did something I’ve wanted to do since I was in elementary school: I joined a book club. Okay, the book club consisted of two people. One of them being me. The other being my husband. But still. We met. We read (Gloria Steinam’s My Life On The...
What is the common theme in everything you love? What is the common goal in everything you do? Those, my friends, are what create your THROUGH LINE. And while some people might suggest mantras or affirmations, it’s my firm belief that you can’t shift your...
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