Lead With The Love: Motivation, Fitspiration, And A Call To Action
One part of my work that I love is actively engaging in social media: not mindlessly scrolling down news feeds and insta-rolls as I do when I’m bored once did – but rather, noticing trends, looking at what people have to say, analyzing the way people and brands...
The WANT Women: My Story.
For most of my life, I’ve had a pretty crap-tastic self image. Self confidence? Loads of it (more on that later). But the way I viewed that confidence – the opinions I formed around it, the things I did to “keep myself in check,” the image of...
i am grateful.
i am grateful for the discomfort the wonderful blissful discomfort that keeps me squirming on questions i am grateful for the questions, the asking, the search. the way my mind cannot sit still and tells stories like a choose-your-own-ending mystery book i loved...
my advanced practice.
My advanced practice is not a headstand Or a handstand Or that twisty arm balancy thingy I learned to do last year after days on end of trying. My advanced practice isn’t how deep I twist Or how floaty I get Or how I move in rhythm with everyone else in the room...