136: How To Find Direction When You Do Many Things
If you’ve ever been told you “do too many things,” been asked what you “REALLY” do, or that you need to focus on ONE thing, this episode is for you. Whether your career (and life!) takes you in many directions or you’re just looking...135: Love Is A Verb with Dr. Carrie Kholi-Murchison and Holley M. Kholi-Murchison
True love, real love, “the one”… the way people describe love is pretty and aspirational, but ultimately super vague. What does love actually feel like? How do you know it’s love and not just old habits or displaced desires? Is love even a noun...134: Rethinking “Goals” When You’re Feeling Burnt Out
Whether it’s NEW YEAR NEW YOU season or not, setting goals and benchmarks when you’re already feeling burnt out feels unrealistic at best, cruel at worst.If you’re anything like me, you’re starting the year feeling more than “meh.”...