Lessons In Moving Forward Fearlessly + Spreading The (Good) Word

Lessons In Moving Forward Fearlessly + Spreading The (Good) Word
Welcome to the WANTcast
Welcome to the WANTcast: The Women Against Talk Podcast — lessons in moving forward fearlessly and spreading the (good) word. In each episode, writer, speaker, coach and WANT founder Katie Horwitch unpacks tips, tools, motivation and inspiration to help you shift your self-talk, the internal narrative you have on loop 24/7 that tells you who you are and who you should be. You can’t change the world until you change YOUR world, first — and shifting your self-talk is where it all begins.
Dive into topics such as confidence, fear, trust, body image, self-doubt, self-worth, relationships, career, friendships, social issues, and more — and walk away from each episode with hyper-actionable steps to shift your narrative from reactive to proactive (as well as inspiration to keep going when the going gets tough). The goal isn’t to change who you are – it’s to BECOME who you know you’re meant to be.
180: FAILING SAFE and TAKING UP SPACE with Alyssa Ages — strongman competitor and author of Secrets Of Giants (S9 Finale!)
What if strength isn’t about how much we can lift, but how we manage life’s struggles? What if we've been told lies our whole life about what it means to truly TAKE UP SPACE? What if failing isn't the end of a goal,...
179: How To MAKE REAL FRIENDSHIPS As An Adult (and KEEP them!) with Anna Goldfarb
It's the mystery that eludes so many of us: How do you make friends as an adult — REAL-DEAL friends – and how do you nurture these valued connections? Today's guest has been called "The New York Times Friendship...
178: Revamp Your DATING LIFE + FIND LOVE For Real with Lily Womble of Date Brazen
If you're fed up with ridiculous, patriarchal dating rules but don't know what you'd do feel like you just need to put up with sucky dates for who knows how long...our guest Lily Womble has got your back....
177: Rigorous Honesty + CONSCIOUS HUMAN-ING with Sarah Ezrin
When we talk about parenting, are we just talking about the kids or are we actually talking about relationships? When we talk about yoga, are we just talking about the poses or are we actually talking about life? ...
176: On Regret
When you hear "'ll regret it," what do you do? If you’re someone who is of a certain *pre-45-ish* age, NOT a parent, and are either decidedly child-free or on the fence about this massive life decision, you’re...
175: The MOTHERHOOD SPECTRUM + The Power Of Being CHILD-FREE with Ruby Warrington
Today we're talking to Ruby Warrington all about being a Woman Without Kids, being "a village person," and the nuances of being child-free (by choice or by circumstance). IN THIS EPISODE, we get extremely candid as we...
174: A Pragmatic Approach to Channeling, Intuition, and TAROT READING with Kate Van Horn
Skeptical when you hear words like "channeling" or "psychic"...but also wondering what is and isn't the real deal? Whether you're a tarot skeptic, tarot-curious, or a literal card-carrying member of the club, I cannot...
173: What is PLEASURE: Building An Embodied Self-Care Practice That Actually Works with Anne Hodder-Shipp and Sarah Tomchesson of S3X Plus
No, this isn't another stereotypical "self-care" conversation — we don't need any more of those. This is about PLEASURE: what it (actually) is, isn't, and why it's so freaking hard for so many of us to access it. ...
172: Building (OLD) HABITS to Achieve (NEW) GOALS
This episode is a little bit of a paradox...building old habits to achieve new goals? You read that right. In this solo episode of the WANTcast, we're talking all about how to avoid losing steam on what you've got your...
171: How To Access Your AGENCY + UNfollow Your PASSION with Terri Trespicio
You've probably been told to FOLLOW YOUR PASSION in order to find meaning, purpose, and joy in life. But what if that's...just not it? What if passion isn't what STARTS the journeys worth taking at all? In today's...
170: Create Your IMPACT, Build a MOVEMENT, and Find Your NORTH STAR with Christen Brandt (encore!)
Are you someone who wants to make big changes happen in the world, but sometimes feel so overwhelmed by how to actually make those changes HAPPEN? How do you take steps to make shift happen on a real level, in a real...
169: Motivation, Flexibility, and RETHINKING Your Relationship With FITNESS with Amanda Katz
The best fitness advice isn't necessarily what you think it is. In a sea of tips, tricks, and programs telling you what to do, how do you figure out what's right for you, and maybe more tricky — how do you build a...