Stories, encouragement, and strength to help you dive in and dig deep

motivation + inspiration
motivation + inspiration


Stories, encouragement, and strength to help you dive in and dig deep

Updos And Down Dogs: On Meeting Yourself.

Updos And Down Dogs: On Meeting Yourself.

"I can't do that kind of yoga. It's too slow." She stared at me with an ice sheet over her eyes, a look that darted back and forth and when it hit me it seared right through and past me. If you do yoga every day, or...

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Ghost Worries.

Ghost Worries.

I am high-strung. It's not that I'm not easygoing or that I'm quick to argue - not in the least. My high-strungness manifests in waves, or rather, in jolting earthquakes that eventually rumble themselves out. My...

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My Journey, My Self.

It was almost a decade ago but I hear the words like minutes have passed. Sobbing on a friend’s couch, head buried into his sweatshirt-covered shoulder, after he called me up and told me I needed to take a second look...

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I Was So Bad: Breaking Out Of Food Guilt

It's the day after Thanksgiving and I'm working at the juice box. I’ve got a bottle of greens in my bag, Toms on my feet, and my shiftmate and I cannot move fast enough. We’ve got it down like clockwork: I’m only four...

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I Am Still Learning: On Leaving Your Job.

I've been writing this post in my head for months. Envisioning the aftermath. Formulating the response. Figuring out how much I say. I’ve romanticized it in my head, the words cathartically flowing from my mind and...

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