Lessons In Moving Forward Fearlessly + Spreading The (Good) Word

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Lessons In Moving Forward Fearlessly + Spreading The (Good) Word

Welcome to the WANTcast

Welcome to the WANTcast: The Women Against Talk Podcast — lessons in moving forward fearlessly and spreading the (good) word. In each episode, writer, speaker, coach and WANT founder Katie Horwitch unpacks tips, tools, motivation and inspiration to help you shift your self-talk, the internal narrative you have on loop 24/7 that tells you who you are and who you should be. You can’t change the world until you change YOUR world, first — and shifting your self-talk is where it all begins.

Dive into topics such as confidence, fear, trust, body image, self-doubt, self-worth, relationships, career, friendships, social issues, and more — and walk away from each episode with hyper-actionable steps to shift your narrative from reactive to proactive (as well as inspiration to keep going when the going gets tough). The goal isn’t to change who you are – it’s to BECOME who you know you’re meant to be.

131: How Do You Define Yourself?

One of the worst pieces advice I ever received actually led me to some of the best revelations about what I do and who I am.In this episode, we talk about how you define yourself to others — and yourself — and why it's...

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129: Giving Selective F***ks

Brené Brown talks about "the people in the stands." Glennon Doyle talks about not "hiding your fire." How much not-caring is enough, and how much is TOO much? In this episode, we talk about how to hold both Brené and...

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126: Do You Have “Reopening Anxiety?”

You're not the same as you were one year ago. And you shouldn’t be.  But maybe you're struggling right now as things start to look eerily similar to how they "Once Were," and feeling the pressure of needing to...

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124: My Story

After almost six years and 124 episodes, I realized I'd never done what many people do right at the start of their podcasts...shared my story. But as I'm evolving, WANT is evolving, and the world is evolving, maybe now...

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124: My Story

After almost six years and 124 episodes, I realized I'd never done what many people do right at the start of their podcasts...shared my story. But as I'm evolving, WANT is evolving, and the world is evolving, maybe now...

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