Our full library of blog posts, filled with tips, tools, motivation, and inspiration to shift your self-talk
Our full library of blog posts, filled with tips, tools, motivation, and inspiration to shift your self-talk
My Journey, My Self.
It was almost a decade ago but I hear the words like minutes have passed. Sobbing on a friend’s couch, head buried into his sweatshirt-covered shoulder, after he called me up and told me I needed to take a second look...
I Was So Bad: Breaking Out Of Food Guilt
It's the day after Thanksgiving and I'm working at the juice box. I’ve got a bottle of greens in my bag, Toms on my feet, and my shiftmate and I cannot move fast enough. We’ve got it down like clockwork: I’m only four...
The WANT Women: Katie H. Willcox On Media Manipulation, Rhonda Rousey, and Being More Than Beautiful
When I was twelve, I had a secret dream: I wanted to model. Maybe it was my blossoming baby-feminism that made the desire to model seemed like a goal I shouldn't share with others; the idea that as women, we're worth...
It Moves With You: The Right Way To Exercise This Season.
All year, I've been running. Literally and metaphorically. Running into solopreneurship, running into my last year of this decade, running into huge life changes, deaths in the family, standing my ground with people I...
The Collective Heart: When Tragedy Hits The High Notes.
No sweet without sour, no peace without war, no joy without sorrow. We're all well-versed in the laws of opposition and the truths of our world: in order to have the good we must know the bad. Still, is this any...
I Am Still Learning: On Leaving Your Job.
I've been writing this post in my head for months. Envisioning the aftermath. Formulating the response. Figuring out how much I say. I’ve romanticized it in my head, the words cathartically flowing from my mind and...
The WANT Women: Ashlee Piper On Being Heroic, Living Electrically, and Reclaiming The Good
Being eco-chic and health conscious is super trendy right now. And that's not a bad thing - but honestly, it's not the best thing, either (I'll let you read up on why HERE). Just like with any trend, there emerges an...
Tweak Your To-Dos: A PSA On Goal Setting + Productivity
Today, I'm intoxicated with possibility. The sun shines brightly through my window, reminding me of the day ahead I have yet to conquer. The empty coffee cup signals to me my wheels are off and turning. Sounds of Frank...
Pet Peeves + Vexations: How To Handle What Gets To You.
SINCE THE AGE OF FOURTEEN, I've been plagued with very, very difficult skin. The ads I saw on television didn’t seem to understand the severity of my problem, and the products marketed to clear, zap, blast all my...
Treat Yo’self: The Life-Shifting Power Of Setting (Small) Boundaries
There's a saying I once heard (probably from Oprah) about when it comes to the people you interact with on a regular basis: "We teach others how to treat us." And I used to think that was bogus. Not that I thought that...
The WANT Women: Lynn Chen On Feminism, Self Worth, And The Power Of Time
Sitting down to chat with actress and activist Lynn Chen was like sitting down with an old friend. Probably because technically, it was. Lynn and I have only met maybe twice in person, but we became friends through...
My Own Worst Enemy: Breaking Out Of Your Best Body
One of the little details I love best about my life is that my parents still live in the house I grew up in. My room is practically untouched from the time I was a teenager, photographs and books stacked up on my desk...