WANTcast 036: The Recovery Myth Part 3 – Nathaniel V. Dust, Breathwork For Recovery

I am so proud to bring you THE RECOVERY MYTH: a new four-part miniseries by WANT sharing real-life stories, smashing open misconceptions, and shining a light on what recovery from an eating/body-related disorder or addiction REALLY looks like.

I’ll be talking to experts, healers, and real-life recoverees answering some of the top recurring questions I’ve gotten from you over the last few years. Not just questions about recovery itself, but about the befores, the durings, the afters, and all the in-betweens that can sometimes seem like you imagined them.

To be clear: the point of The Recovery Myth is NOT to prescribe a roadmap or provide a neat-and-tidy picture of what recovery looks like. The point is to dispel myths surrounding recovery and gain multiple perspectives to provide a more inclusive, holistic, and ultimately helpful view of what it looks like to go from the darkness into the light.

In Part One, we debunked the seven biggest myths and misunderstandings surrounding recovery (read + listen here). In Part Two, I talked to actor, host, blogger, and activist Lynn Chen all about navigating recovery in the midst of social media pressures, food intolerances, and a #bodypos world that sends mixed messages (listen here).

Today, I’m diving in and digging DEEP with Nathaniel V. Dust, healer and founder of Breathwork For Recovery.
Nathaniel has worked as a professional healer for almost a decade, using the power of a person’s breath as a catalyst for positive changes in clients’ lives. Equipped with an arsenal of techniques – with a special focus on breathwork – Nathaniel has helped thousands of people process trauma, disarm negative thought patterns, and maintain healthy and happy relationships with themselves and loved ones.

Trauma isn't what happens to us, it's the imprint and the reaction TO it. - @nathanielvdust Share on X

And while his specialty IS working with treatment centers, it’s not just substance abusers or people with eating disorders who are changed by his work: Nathaniel’s client base ranges from those seeking relief from everyday anxiety to people suffering from severe emotional and physical trauma who are desperate for help. Which is why I truly feel this episode is a MUST-LISTEN for everyone.

Nathaniel will BLOW YOUR MIND with his dissection of trauma, his detailed account of his own recovery, and some alternative forms of therapy you might not have ever know existed (one word: HORSES).

Also important: we talk about how to be acutely aware of your recovery journey, if and when and HOW you can help others who are stuggling if you are still in the thick of it, and AFFORDABLE ways to get help yourself. Because treatment is freaking expensive.

If you’ve ever felt unsettled trauma in your body…if you’ve ever wondered if there was another way to heal…if you have ever been in a toxic relationship or known someone who has…then this is the episode you’re meant to hear today.


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Show notes:
Breathwork For Recovery

Equine therapy
The 7 biggest recovery myths
Lynn Chen on The Recovery Myth

Like this episode? Shoot me a comment below, leave a review on iTunes, share it on Facebook, tweet it out on Twitter, or post it on Instagram. Be sure to use the hashtags #WANTcast, #womenagainstnegativetalk, and/or #WANTyourself!

Know someone who might need this miniseries? Forward it along and let them know you care.

Know someone who might be able to contribute something unique to the conversation? I’d LOVE to meet them. IF YOU OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW HAS GONE THROUGH AN ED/ADDICTION/SUBSTANCE ABUSE (**AND HAVE SUCCESSFULLY RECOVERED), OR ARE AN EXPERT IN THE FIELD, shoot me an email at katie@womenagainstnegativetalk.com and we can get to talking.





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