WANTcast 033: On Cool Girls, Wellness Experiments, and Finding Answers (Without Blowing Your Budget) w/ Phoebe Lapine

Today’s guest is Phoebe Lapine, food and health writer, gluten-free chef, wellness personality, culinary instructor, and speaker here in NYC. On her award-winning blog, Feed Me Phoebe, she shares recipes for healthy comfort food and insights about balanced lifestyle choices beyond what’s on your plate. Her newly released book, The Wellness Project, chronicles her journey with Hashimotos Thyroiditis and how she finally found the middle ground between health and hedonism by making one lifestyle change, one month at a time.

You have to be ready to look at your life + lay the bricks for a new way of living -@phoebelapine Share on X

I have got to say that I was on a little reading freeze for a few months – I know – not ideal – and when I received Phoebe’s book I literally read about 150 pages in one sitting. Not only is she such a personal, down-to-earth writer, but she truly makes each chapter, or wellness experiment, so accessible for anyone no matter where they are on their health and happiness journey.

In this episode we talk about why getting a diagnosis by a doctor is only a small part of the equation, fighting for answers without blowing your entire paycheck, the “cool girl” trope in society, living up to other people’s expectations of you and SO MUCH more. Phoebe and I met through a mutual friend (shout out to Leslie!) a couple months ago, and I am so happy to be introducing you to her today.

phoebe lapine

WANT Phoebe:

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Show Notes:
Feed Me Phoebe
The Wellness Project
The Wellness Project Tour
The National Gourmet Institute Dinner (scroll down – get tickets!)
All of Phoebe’s Stews

This week’s WANTcast is sponsored by GOOD: A Wellness Festival. GOOD is an all-day event created to ignite your passion for wellness and inspire you to achieve your GOOD life. I’ll be speaking at and MCing GOOD in Los Angeles on February 3rd, 2017 – use code WANT10 to snag $10 off your ticket. I can’t wait to see you there!

 Like this episode? Shoot me a comment below, leave a review on iTunes (the more reviews, the more people can hear these stories and lessons), share it on Facebook, tweet it out on Twitter, or post it on Instagram. Be sure to use the hashtags #WANTcast, #womenagainstnegativetalk, and/or #WANTyourself!


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