The WANTcast, Episode 013: On Being Who You Truly Are with Jay Pryor

Jay Pryor is a true force of nature: a life coach, speaker, corporate trainer, and author who inspires people to harness their power to create the lives of their dreams.

He works exclusively with women, and among other reasons, has a great reason why:

He used to be one.

The world is not happening to us. We are happening to the world. - @jaypryorcoach Share on X

Jay was born as a female and transitioned to male in 2001 when he was in his 30s. I knew I needed Jay on the WANTcast the second I heard him speak on personal power, how women hold themselves back, etc – but when I heard his story and mission, I knew I needed to lock it down ASAP. He’s THAT powerful.

You (hopefully) know I don’t play favorites, as I am constantly in awe of the guests on the WANTcast – but honestly, I’ve been telling everyone I know that this podcast is coming up, even the people who don’t normally listen to podcasts – that’s how important I think this episode is.


In this episode we talk in detail about Jay’s experience transitioning, his reality show stint, and having a need to do more to help a cause without even knowing what that help looks like. We also talk about why Jay chooses to work specifically with women, being “hijacked” and how to get your brain back on track, the huge things holding women back, and so, so much more.

There’s a lot of talk about LGBTQ rights and gender equality right now in our culture. And as Jay and I discuss, no matter how tense the conversation can get sometimes, it’s ultimately that exact tension that will bring about true, lasting change in the long run. This deep conversation with Jay isn’t just about the trans community or gay community – it’s about how each and every one of us can move forward fearlessly into the person we truly are.

This episode took me a while to edit, and not because I edited a lot of it. Just the opposite actually – I barely edited anything. But I found myself transfixed by it and having to go back because I wasn’t in editor mode I was in listener mode. That’s how good Jay is. Get ready, because you’re going to want to listen a few times to soak in all the goodness he has to offer – both to us and to the world.


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Show Notes:
Lean Inside
It Gets Better Project
Jay on Dance Moms
I Am Cait segment
Laverne Cox
Stone Butch Blues

North Carolina restroom laws
Kroger being awesome
Daniel Golman’s Emotional Intelligence

Being Boss podcast w/ Jay
WANTyourself: An Afternoon Of Moving Forward Fearlessly – BUY TIX HERE

Be the one who's willing to take a different step in the dance. - @jaypryorcoaching Share on X
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