The WANT Women: Tricia Huffman on Honesty, Hardcore Zen, And Effing The “Shoulds”

Positivity is seeing things for what they are but choosing to find the good in all of it. -@beingtricia Share on X
I’m always inspired by women who’ve done their own thing and forged their own path. Especially when they’re functioning on pure passion. And especially when they’ve left something familiar and safe to do so.

Tricia Huffman‘s been there…twice. First, leaving her secure office job to follow her passion of working in live music production – and second, leaving her successful music production job to follow her passion of living your best life. Neither of which, by the way, were kick-started by anything but pure heart and an unwavering belief in herself that she could.

Tricia wasn’t just a leader in her industry, she was one of the only women in her industry. By asking lots of questions, following her heart, and having a hunger to learn, Tricia went from selling shirts at the House Of Blues to literally running the show on tour for pretty much every big-name artist you’ve heard of…you name it, she’s worked it. As a woman working in a male-dominated field, Tricia always made sure to stay down-to-earth, empathetic, and thirsty for knowledge. Six years and countless worldwide tours later, Tricia was successful, well-loved, and had created both career and community. On the outside, she was living the dream. And on the inside, she was loving it.

And then, something happened that changed her perspective: her father passed away suddenly.

After taking time off from the road to sit and reevaluate life, pursuing what made her healthy and happy, she realized that she had an intense pull to help others do the same. She wanted to do something more with her life: to help everyone live passionately and purposefully. When she went back on tour with that intention in her mind – to help musicians (who are often worn down by rigorous touring schedules, performances, and don’t always have self-care at the forefront of their minds) stay healthy, happy, and yes, joyous while on the road. It was Jason Mraz (at the time, she was his sound engineer and tour manager) who ended up feeling so good as a result of her coaching that he told his team, “I don’t know what Trish is doing…but I want her doing this for us all the time!”

I’m not risk averse in the least, but change is usually something I approach with caution. I ease into transitions, aware that I’m sensitive to shifts and can get overwhelmed by the delicate balance of mourning the loss of what once was + celebrating the newness of what will be. And sometimes, when I’m not in my most self-aware and self-loving state, this caution can slow me down almost to a halt.

People like Tricia inspire me because they are actual living proof that following your passion and sense of purpose always works the way it needs to – even if the vision morphs along the way. Now coaching others both one-on-one and in groups, she’s got a whole line of products to go with her biz, including her Own Your Awesome affirmation deck and a little poster I love about Doing The Wants:


Tricia’s career trajectory and life is a master class in this.

Meet your Joyologist.


Name: Tricia Huffman

How you’d know me: Your Joyologist

What I love about myself (and why): My honesty. I have always been honest and with that have always been my true self. Honest to others and myself. Why? Because that is a real challenge in today’s society. We are so overcome with fear of what people will think, we are afraid to be honest. -@beingtricia Share on X

What is your definition of “positivity?” Seeing things for what they are but choosing to find the good in all of it.

When did you start to love yourself – did you have a self-love “turning point?” When I was 15. I had lots of undiagnosed pain and other medical problems and was a freshman in high school and dealing with all of that pettiness and my parents weren’t happy. I felt very alone and unloved and contemplated ending it all. I decided if I was going to end it, I may as well give myself one more chance and live my life, my way, not caring so much about everyone else and choosing to love myself. That it didn’t matter what everyone else was doing I could love myself.
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How/where negative talk shows up in my life: I have a pretty good handle on seeing it come up in my mind… I teach people how to tune into it themselves so they can transform it.

But, it still comes up. Right now it comes up most with my new endavour of an inspring merchandise line. I am so eager to get it into stores worldwide and get a ton of exposure, so I have to keep acknowledging myself for all of the progress I am making instead of wanting the big end goal right now.

via @beingtricia, Instagram

via @beingtricia, Instagram

When I talk negatively about myself, it’s usually… Very quickly thrown out and converted into affirmations, and ackowledgment.

When others talk negatively about themselves… I call them out on it and lift them up.

It baffles me that women still… Talk so badly about their physical appearances.

I wish that more women… Would love and appreciate how amazing they are, right now, as they are.

The coolest thing about women is… Our ability to be so many things at once. We don’t have to fit into a box. We can be amazing mothers, teachers, leaders, and express ourselves outwardly by what we say, do and even wear.
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My favorite way to shift a negative into a positive: Remembering that I have the power to choose how I see it all and what I choose to do with it.

My top female role models: Amanda de Cadenet, Lena Dunham, Amy Poehlor
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Men can help women crush their negative talk patterns by… calling them out on them (with love) And not just saying “Oh no honey you aren’t ____,” but saying, I don’t want to hear you talk that way about yourself.


Favorite negativity-busting activity: getting out into the world. Even running an errand. Gets me out of my head and reminds me that we all are going through things. It makes me more compassionate.

Fave self-love ritual: walking and really just vegging out and watching good tv and not feeling an ounce of guilt for it!

Favorite feel-good food(s): This vegan gluten free mac and cheese recipe I love to make…But really love a good kale salad and roasted kabocha squash

Favorite movie(s) to watch when I’m feeling down: Romantic comedies

Favorite empowering book(s): Hardcore Zen by Brad Warner and After the Ecstasy, the Laundry


My feel-good playlist: I don’t have one! Lately I am into dancey pop driven songs..I think spin class got me hooked on that.

Advice I would give my…
…4 year old self: Never stop seeing the world in wonder.
…14 year-old self: You are perfect as you are.
…24 year old self: Keep following your heart.

5 Things, personal or professional, on my bucket list:
1) To be a mother – currently happening.
2) To get my affirmation deck into Urban Outfitters.
3) To be able to run my inspiring merchandise line and be a present mother.
4) To be able to retire (I don’t have an active retirement fund).
5) To show my children some of my favorite places that I was lucky enough to visit around the world. Definitely Italy.

My best tip on self love: Do affirmations in the mirror. It is uncomfortable because it works.

When I truly love all of myself… Everything falls into place

Right now, I am most excited about… The baby I am expecting!

My body is: Strong

Three words to describe me: Real, alive, present

Current mantra: I am a badass!


Tricia inspires me to follow my heart and take risks, and now I want to hear from you. What is the biggest risk you’ve ever taken? What did you learn?



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