Step-by-step ways to become a more pragmatically positive YOU in every micro moment

tips and tools
tips and tools


Step-by-step ways to become a more pragmatically positive YOU in every micro moment

Breaking Out Of Negative Cueing

Breaking Out Of Negative Cueing

I'VE BEEN teaching group fitness classes for over a decade - way before it was trendy and cool, and definitely way before "fitpros" were the new It celebrities they are right now. This was back when  people thought...

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7 Other Ways To Get Your Best Body Ever.

7 Other Ways To Get Your Best Body Ever.

Let this serve as your reminder that #wellness and #weightloss have nothing to do with each other. You can want (or in some doctor-advised cases, need) to lose weight, but weight is not an indication of overall...

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Ayurvedic Stress Relief 101

Ayurvedic Stress Relief 101

Zodiac. MBTI. Human Design. Enneagrams. We're hyper-curious about ourselves, and there are so many ways for us to find out more about what makes us tick...and that's not even counting all the "What type of artisanal...

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The New January.

The New January.

UNLIKE MOST KIDS, I don’t remember EVER dreading the first day of school. I might have had a mini panic attack before starting my senior year of high school (first and lasts always get me), but even those years when I...

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