Stories, encouragement, and strength to help you dive in and dig deep

motivation + inspiration
motivation + inspiration


Stories, encouragement, and strength to help you dive in and dig deep

You Have No Resumé: On Building A Person.

You Have No Resumé: On Building A Person.

“You have NO resumé.” The memory just flooded back to me as I drove down the West Side Highway. Or not so much flooded. More like sneak-attack haunted-house-level *jumped out* at me. Truthfully I don’t remember if the...

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The New January.

The New January.

UNLIKE MOST KIDS, I don’t remember EVER dreading the first day of school. I might have had a mini panic attack before starting my senior year of high school (first and lasts always get me), but even those years when I...

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I Tell Myself Stories: The Need for Validation.

I Tell Myself Stories: The Need for Validation.

What child is afraid of swing sets? This child was, that’s who. I was afraid of the swings, I was afraid of the Big Slide, I didn’t venture into the “deep end” until I was seven years old. I stayed the fck away from...

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A Brief List Of Things To Apologize For.

A Brief List Of Things To Apologize For.

You do not need to apologize for who you are. You do not need to apologize for: Your hair. Your clothes. Your makeup Or none. Your reserve Or none. You do not need to apologize for your ideas, Or your dreams Or the way...

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A Love Letter To The Inclusive Woman.

A Love Letter To The Inclusive Woman.

The woman who walks through life with open arms. The one who laughs the loudest, focuses the feelings, who looks you in the eye like you're the only one that matters. You know her. She's the steady rock on the shaky...

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Reframing Regret.

Reframing Regret.

Up until about a week ago, I used to say that I didn’t believe in Regret. Regret is a useless emotion, I’d scoff when people would ask me What’s my One Biggest Regret or the One Thing I Wish I Could Do Over. You can’t...

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Relearning How To Run.

Relearning How To Run.

My steps always feel heaviest in the winter. Confined to a treadmill and no wind or road variation to keep my gait a-guessing, I make do with what I have and fall into a sense of comfort doing three miles on a...

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