Our full library of blog posts, filled with tips, tools, motivation, and inspiration to shift your self-talk

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Our full library of blog posts, filled with tips, tools, motivation, and inspiration to shift your self-talk

Flailures: When Failing Feels Like Flailing.

Flailures: When Failing Feels Like Flailing.

"Fail," in all its incarnations, wasn't a word used often in my house growing up.  I'd love to attribute 100% of this to my parents and their excellent leadership skills, but I think a big reason we didn't use the word...

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7 Other Ways To Get Your Best Body Ever.

7 Other Ways To Get Your Best Body Ever.

Let this serve as your reminder that #wellness and #weightloss have nothing to do with each other. You can want (or in some doctor-advised cases, need) to lose weight, but weight is not an indication of overall...

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How To Change Your Life.

How To Change Your Life.

I BLINK AWAKE and I'm surrounded. I open my door and walk out into the still-sleeping streets and they close in. The busses plow by and I’m hit with their force. Signing onto Facebook, tweeted out on Twitter. On...

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A Seasonal Existence.

A Seasonal Existence.

I live in the seasons now, the highs and the lows. And I've learned what I love and what I loathe. What makes me fly high and what makes me forget myself entirely. LA is famous for 72 And Sunny How pleasant it is...

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Ayurvedic Stress Relief 101

Ayurvedic Stress Relief 101

Zodiac. MBTI. Human Design. Enneagrams. We're hyper-curious about ourselves, and there are so many ways for us to find out more about what makes us tick...and that's not even counting all the "What type of artisanal...

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Losing My Hearing: On Being Human.

Losing My Hearing: On Being Human.

As long as I can remember, I've gravitated towards accessible role models. I'm not talking the people who are untouchable but put on a "look-how-down-to-earth-I-am-STARS-THEYRE-JUST-LIKE-US" demeanour for their fans....

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You Have No Resumé: On Building A Person.

You Have No Resumé: On Building A Person.

“You have NO resumé.” The memory just flooded back to me as I drove down the West Side Highway. Or not so much flooded. More like sneak-attack haunted-house-level *jumped out* at me. Truthfully I don’t remember if the...

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The New January.

The New January.

UNLIKE MOST KIDS, I don’t remember EVER dreading the first day of school. I might have had a mini panic attack before starting my senior year of high school (first and lasts always get me), but even those years when I...

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I Tell Myself Stories: The Need for Validation.

I Tell Myself Stories: The Need for Validation.

What child is afraid of swing sets? This child was, that’s who. I was afraid of the swings, I was afraid of the Big Slide, I didn’t venture into the “deep end” until I was seven years old. I stayed the fck away from...

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A Brief List Of Things To Apologize For.

A Brief List Of Things To Apologize For.

You do not need to apologize for who you are. You do not need to apologize for: Your hair. Your clothes. Your makeup Or none. Your reserve Or none. You do not need to apologize for your ideas, Or your dreams Or the way...

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