WANTcast 056: On Owning Your Awesome with Tricia Huffman of Your Joyologist

I’m always inspired by women who’ve done their own thing and forged their own path. Especially when they’re functioning on pure passion. And especially when they’ve left something familiar and safe to do so.

Tricia Huffman‘s been there…twice. First, leaving her secure office job to follow her passion of working in live music production – and second, leaving her successful music production job to follow her passion of living your best life. Neither of which, by the way, were kick-started by anything but pure heart and an unwavering belief in herself that she could.

Tricia wasn’t just a leader in her industry, she was one of the only women in her industry. By asking lots of questions, following her heart, and having a hunger to learn, Tricia went from selling shirts at the House Of Blues to literally running the show on tour for pretty much every big-name artist you’ve heard of…you name it, she’s worked with them. As a woman working in a male-dominated field, Tricia always made sure to stay down-to-earth, empathetic, and thirsty for knowledge. Six years and countless worldwide tours later, Tricia was successful, well-loved, and had created both career and community. On the outside, she was living the dream. And on the inside, she was loving it.

And then, something happened that changed her perspective: her father passed away suddenly.

After taking time off from the road to sit and reevaluate life, pursuing what made her healthy and happy, she realized that she had an intense pull to help others do the same. She wanted to do something more with her life: to help people live passionately and purposefully. She saw that everyone, including the people we think “have it all,” don’t feel fulfilled. She first created her “Joyology” to keep artists healthy, ground and inspired in body and mind while on tour.

People like Tricia inspire me because they are actual living proof that following your passion and sense of purpose always works the way it needs to – even if the vision morphs along the way. Now off the road and coaching others both one-on-one and in groups, she’s got a whole line of products to go with her biz, called Your Joyologist, including a brand new beautiful app called – you guessed it – Own Your Awesome.

Tricia’s been in the business of real-deal feel-good since way before social media was a thing. And here’s what I love most about her: she’s all about the rogue affirmations. Most people in the feel-good biz will shower their people with “You Are Beautiful”s and “Abundance Is Yours”s and say see ya. But Tricia? She digs deeper.

It was me. I needed to have that breakthrough: I am enough. Share on X

While this coversation starts with a little bit of a venting session on both our parts, I decided to keep it in because I think it’s a GREAT example of productive venting, which is quite different from aimless complaining. Bitching about social media is becoming a “thing” ON social media (lol, the irony), however a lot of what I read simply talks about how annoying and tiring it all is…and places blame on everyone else for the rules we’re supposed to follow.

But really…who tells us we are “supposed” to follow them? Nope, no one but ourselves. Which leads me to my absolute FAVORITE part of this interview with Tricia: where we dive in and dig deep about how to distance ourselves from our need for validation, and how to take accountability and responsibility even when we feel something is entirely someone else’s fault. Tricia knows how it feels to be resistant, and she knows what it means to OWN YOUR AWESOME. But she didn’t get there without getting real with herself and examining what was actually getting in her way.

Take a listen and let me know what you think!

WANT Tricia:

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Your mission matters. And who you are matters. YOU. We really have to fully own our own awesome. Share on X

Show Notes:
Your Joyologist
Own Your Awesome app
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel

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