Something I’m realizing now more than EVER is the power of community. I don’t mean your best-best-best friends. I don’t mean your family. I mean the familiar faces that dapple your life – the friends, acquaintances, business partners, even grocery store clerks you bond with on a weekly, even daily basis.
“Home” and “community” are synonymous to me. When we’re searching for “our peeps,” we’re really searching for a place to call home.
And we can’t find home if we don’t know what we’re worth.
You can't raise your net worth until you raise your self worth. - @audreybellis, @worthywomenLLC Share on Xphoto cred: Lois Fox for BUNCH Magazine
Since community – nay, HOME – is at the top of my mind as of late, it’s only fitting that today’s episode is with community builder extraordinaire Audrey Bellis.
Audrey is a FORCE OF NATURE (as we learned last month!). A first-generation Latina, she’s is shaping the future of Los Angeles, and specifically, Downtown LA by fostering the startup and tech communities as a founder of StartupDTLA and as a cofounder ofGRID110. Not only that, she’s linking creative female entrepreneurs as the founder of Worthy Women. Mayor Garcetti’s office honored her as 1 of 5 “Inspiring Latinas of LA” and TechOutLA named her “a key player in the Eastside/DTLA tech movement.” If there’s anyone who knows how to create community and make a collective impact as visionary women in the world, it’s this stunner.
In this episode, we dive deep into knowing your body and healing past trauma, why owning your worth is so important in everything from business to friendships, Audrey’s crazy medical complications that gave her a huge wake up call (and her sort of Eat Pray Love experience that helped facilitate that), and why it’s so important that we’re never, ever, ever done with the work, even if we think we’ve reached success or that we know it all.
We also talk building community, making new friends as an adult, finding the people who we connect with on the deepest levels (which can be hard!), and so much more.
HEADS UP: this episode contains graphic descriptions of Audrey’s health scare. So if you’re squeamish, you might want to skip over the part about 15 or so mins in where she’s talking about the bathtub. We don’t shy away from anything here on WANT – it’s so important to me that these podcasts tell unedited, unglossy stories (because life is unedited and unglossy).
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Show Notes:
Worthy Women
Startup DTLA
GRID 110
Eat Pray Love
What Doesn’t Kill Us
A Course In Miracles
A Woman’s Worth
Good Men Project
When I'm in alignment with myself, I can let you off the hook. - @audreybellis, @worthywomenLLC Share on X
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photo cred: Lois Fox for BUNCH Magazine