The WANTcast, Episode 011: On Skin Shame, Body Image + Kanye West Behavior With Adina Grigore of S.W. Basics

She had me at “hello.” And by “hello”…I mean lip balm.

Today’s episode is with Adina Grigore, who, if you DON’T know, you’re going to WANT to know after we’re through here. Adina is the founder of S.W. Basics, one of my absolute FAVORITE all natural skincare lines – and the author of Skin Cleanse: The Simple, all-natural Program for Clean, Calm, Happy Skin.

So, funny thing about me and Adina – I actually fell in love with her before I even met her, and what’s even weirder is that it wasn’t through social media or a podcast – it was because at my former editorial job, someone sent us a pack of her lip balms. You know how sometimes you’ll see someone from afar and think, I need to be friends with this woman? That’s how I felt when I saw the lip balms.

I know. What a weirdo, right? But here’s the thing: there was something so special and unique about the S.W. Basics brand that felt so personal, so down to earth, I knew that could only come from this badass woman founder who was steering the ship. This podcast is actually the very first time we talked, and I think you’ll be able to hear it, she just has this way of making you feel so at ease and like you’ve known her forever. It’s no wonder she’s in the business of making people feel good in the skin they’re in.
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In this episode we talk about the correlation between skin and body image, the trajectory that took her from dancing at The Ailey School to having a skincare line that’s in Target stores nationwide, dealing with skin issues as an adult and the stigma that surrounds it, and why Adina is so passionate about not doing this ONE specific thing that basically everyone does in order to grow their business (hint: it’s kind of like Kanye West’s behavior).

She also gets me being more of a Chatty Cathy than usual, but I couldn’t help myself – she’s one of those infectiously passionate and all around rad people you could talk to forever. (But I did you a favor and kept “forever” to under an hour.)

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Let’s do this thang!

WANT Adina:

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Like this episode? Shoot me a comment below, leave a review on iTunes (the more reviews, the more Adina’s awesomeness is spread), share it on Facebook, tweet it out on Twitter, or post it on Instagram. Be sure to use the hashtags #WANTcast, #womenagainstnegativetalk, and/or #WANTyourself!

Show Notes:
S.W. Basics
S.W. Basics makeup remover
Skin Cleanse
The Ailey School
Adina’s podcast with Jessica Murnane (and her other one, too!)

Adina’s blog post – “You’re Really Hot. No, Really.”
Womens Leadership Conference
WANTcast on Youtube!
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We don’t realize that what we call problems…are just normal. - @adinagrigore Share on X
I'm just doing my best - aren't we all? - @adinagrigore Share on X
We’re not even being shown 'everyone else.' - @adinagrigore Share on X

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  1. Jessica

    Loved this episode!

    • Katie

      And this episode loves you right back! :-*



  1. Gym Face: Skin Shame In The Fitness Industry - […] wasn’t until I read Adina Grigore’s book, Skin Cleanse, that I realized that the perfect skin is the skin…

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